Janez Janša

May 15 at 10.00 pm
Venue: Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
Duration: 90 minutes
English subtitles.

The performance Pupilija papa Pupilo and the Pupilceks was first performed in 1969 as directed by Dušan Jovanović. Poets, visual artists, musicians, and amateurs appeared on the stage. The piece is composed of twenty scenes that include elements of everyday life, popular culture, folklore, children’s games, contemporary dance, performance, and improvisation. At the same time, the work is a happening, ritual theatre, cabaret, and political protest. Its political orientation is apolitical. Instead of manning the barricades, Pupilcheks play children’s games. Instead of writing political tracts, they drink milk. As originally performed, the piece was one of the most influential works of experimental theatre in Slovenia. Its reconstruction is not a simple revival. The contemporary context adds a new layer, new commentary, and even an entirely new element with the creative intervention of Janez Janša who provides accompanying videotaped commentary and reflections.

Janez Janša is the director. Some of his other performances include Camillo Memo 1.0, Miss Mobile, We are all Marlene Dietrich FOR, Slovene National Theatre etc. Janša is also the co-creator and director of Maska Institute, which is engaged in production and publishing. For eight years, Janša was the editor of Maska Magazine, he edited two comprehensive collections on the theory of performing art, and continues to publish and lecture.

Reconstruction and direction: Janez Janša
Creators and performers: Aleksandra Balmazović, Gregor Cvetko, Dražen Dragojevič, Lado Jakša, Alja Kapun, Boštjan Narat, Matjaž Pikalo, Dejan Srhoj, Ajda Toman, Irena Tomažin, Grega Zorc
Music: Gregor Cvetko, Lado Jakša, Boštjan Narat
Lead technician: Igor Remeta
Assistant director: Samo Gosarič
Projections: Samo Gosarič, Janez Janša, Igor Štromajer
Camera operators: Gregor Lipičar, Iztok Sajdl
Montage: Gorazd Kernel
Makeup artist: Barbara Pavlin
Photography: Marcandrea Bragalini
Executive producer: Barbara Hribar
Production: MASKA Production
Co-production: Ex Ponto festival
Co-producer of video: Videoprodukcija Kregar




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